Admission to our concerts is by donation: pay what you can.
AS WE SAY IN OUR MISSION STATEMENT, we are committed to making our concerts accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay. For that reason, admission to our concerts is by voluntary donation at the door. We suggest $20, but you may pay more or less as you are able. We recommend arriving early to be sure of getting a seat.
If you want to be absolutely certain of getting a seat, or if you'd like a choice seat, you can do so in one of two ways:
- Make a donation to the Chorale. For each $100 you donate, you are entitled to two seats in the section reserved for donors. These are prime seats at the front of the hall. Click HERE to go to the donation page. You'll find descriptions of our various funds and a form you can complete and return with your contribution. On that form, you can specify which performance you'd like to attend and how many tickets you'd like. We'll either mail your tickets to you or hold them for you at the door.
- Purchase a ticket in advance. For a donation of $25, you receive a ticket that entitles you to reserved seating. This is in the section behind the donors; they are still excellent seats, and you'll be assured of seating up to the beginning of the concert. Tickets are available at three locations: Sherman's Bookstore in Bar Harbor, the Southwest Harbor Library, and the Northeast Harbor Library. Ticket sales end the Friday before the concerts. Cash or checks only, please--no credit cards.
- Purchase tickets online. New this year, you can purchase tickets for our performances through our Store either by clicking on the Store item on our main menu (above) or by clicking here.
We never offer more advance tickets than there are seats, so even if you haven't made an advance donation, you should be able to get in. (We haven't turned anyone away yet!)
For more information, email us at [email protected], or call 207-244-0042